Learn how to stop and prevent dating violence, victimization, and perpetration, including physical and sexual abuse that may occur between youth in a dating relationship.
In recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, the New Orleans Public Library has partnered with STAR to provide education about sexual and dating violence throughout April.
About the Series: This combined discussion and independent-viewing program for middle and high school students is presented by Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response (STAR), a nonprofit organization committed to serving youth and adult survivors of sexual trauma and building institutional capacity to prevent and respond responsibly to sexual violence in the community.
Session Descriptions:
Since 2014, all public high schools in Louisiana are required to provide “appropriate classroom instruction relative to dating violence,” (Children’s Code in LA R.S. 17:81). However, STAR’s Community Education Director Angela Golden said many schools do not have the resources available to comply with the mandate, which is where their organization comes in.
The Safe Dates series aligns with the New Orleans Public Library’s vision to be a catalyst for change in New Orleans and to provide equal services and opportunities to all.
Safe Dates kicks off April 1 at 5:15pm, followed by live sessions on April 15 and April 29. For details and registration, visit nolalibrary.org/events.
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