Ashley Seaverson | STAR

Ashley Seaverson

Co-Advocacy Director

Ashley Seaverson was raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. At a young age, she noticed that people would always complain about there not being enough help in the community. She decided that she wouldn’t just complain, but make a difference.

She started volunteering at The Baton Rouge Crisis Intervention Center in 2015. This decision would go on to change her career path. She had recently finished school for Surgical Technology, but decided this wasn’t the path to help more in the community. Instead, she joined the Crisis Intervention Center full time. While working for various crisis lines, including the National Suicide Prevention line, she’s gained a vast knowledge of how to handle any crisis.  She’s dedicated five years to this cause. From this experience she decided to volunteer at STAR. With her vast knowledge in crisis interventions, the STAR staff thought she would fit well as a Medical Advocate.  Ashley assisted survivors at the hospital for their forensic exams for almost three years before she joined the STAR staff full time as a Resource Advocate. Ashley’s openness to truly hear the survivor and allow them to tell their story has helped her connect with each individual.

Ashley is passionate about empowering survivors and helping them in healing from their trauma. She strongly believes that you have to be the change you wish to see.

As Advocacy Director Ashley plans to follow in the footsteps of her mentor, the former Advocacy Director by supporting those who are survivors of sexual trauma while helping to build a community free from oppression and sexual trauma.

Email: ashley.seaverson@star.ngo
Phone: (225) 615-7093

Capital Area Branch
5615 Corporate Blvd., Ste 200
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Central Louisiana Branch
1403 Metro Drive, Bldg F
Alexandria, LA 70301

Greater New Orleans Branch
123 N. Genois Street
New Orleans, LA 70119

Capital Area Branch

5615 Corporate Blvd., Ste 200
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
Office: (225) 615-7093 
Fax: (225) 615-7236

Central Louisiana Branch

1403 Metro Drive, Bldg F
Alexandria, LA 71301
Office: (318) 625-7592 
Fax: (318) 625-7593

Greater New Orleans Branch

123 N. Genois Street
New Orleans, LA 70119
Office: (504) 407-0711 
Fax: (504) 509-6368

© 2018 Sexual Trauma Awareness and Response. All rights reserved.
"STAR" and the STAR design are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

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